Art & Antiques News
This fall I had the great honor of appearing on the hit TV show Pawn Stars. No, I haven’t moved to Las Vegas where Rick, Chum, and Corey film most of their episodes. The hosts traveled to Denver as their first stop for their special miniseries,...
Antiques Education
Why Talk About Drawers at All? Drawers are one of the first places to look when trying to establish the age of an antique chest, dresser, desk, sideboard or other piece of case furniture. Why? Because they have both definitive styling and significant functionality...
Art & Antiques News
Exclusive Monet Exhibition Hits the Mile High City Candace Hill – WorthWise Art and Antiques Appraisers, June 25, 2019 The Denver Art Museum is exercising its cultural muscle again! This time as the upcoming host to an exclusive Monet exhibition. Claude Monet:...
Personal Reflections
Why We Start Collecting We are born collectors. From our first baby blanket to stuffed toys and beyond, the instinct to surround ourselves with external reminders of who we are and our presence in the world is strong. This is why we start collecting. Why do we...
Understanding Art
Posters, Paintings or Prints, Oh My! One of the hardest parts of my job in appraising fine art is letting clients know when their prized pieces of art are worth less than they expect. Far less in many cases. And one of the most common situations in which this occurs...