Candace A. Hill, MBA, ISA CAPP
Expert in Art and Antiques Appraisals
Candace Hill is a certified personal property appraiser through the International Society of Appraisers (ISA). She meets and maintains the highest and most current credentialing requirements of that prestigious professional association.
Candace has collected, bought, and sold art, antiques, and collectibles for over 20 years and has been applying her accumulated knowledge and expertise to her career as a professional personal property appraiser since 2014. And she has since appraised over 4,000 items in a wide variety of categories.
Areas of Expertise and Appraisal Experience
- Fine Art
- Antiques
- Decorative Art Objects and Furnishings
- American Indian/Indigenous Arts and Artifacts
- Asian Art Objects and Orientalia
- Military and American West Memorabilia
- IRS Donation/Non-Cash Charitable Contribution Appraisals
- IRS Estate Tax Appraisals
- Equitable Distribution Appraisals – Divorce and Estate
- Insurance Coverage Appraisals
- Damage Claim Appraisals
- Liquidation Appraisals
- Probate Appraisals
- Anticipated Sale/Informed Decision-Making Appraisals
Certifications, Degrees & Memberships
- Certified Member, International Society of Appraisers (ISA), 2014 – present
- Member, Denver Art Museum, 2015 – present
- Member, National Appraisal Consultants (NAC), 2020 – 2021
- Committee Member, Membership Committee, ISA, 2020 – 2021
- Member, Denver Estate Planning Council, 2019- 2020
- Committee Member, Antiques and Residential Contents Committee, ISA, 2015
- BA coursework in Interior Design, Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Denver, CO, 2006 – 2008
- MBA, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, 1983
- BS, Math and Physics, Centre College of Kentucky, Danville, KY,1979
- New Appraisers Scholarship Award – Foundation for Appraisal Education (FAE), 2015
Television Appearances
- Pawn Stars Do America – Guest Appraiser, 2022
- Appraisal of Japanese Prints, International Society of Appraisers (ISA), 2023
- 7-Hour 2020-2021 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) Update Course, National Appraisal Consultants (NAC), 2022
- Chinese Art Connoisseurship Course: Listening to the Object, (ISA), 2021
- Introduction to Appraising Rugs, ISA, 2020
- Book Appraisal Methodology: A Guide to the Basics, ISA, 2020
- How to Appraise Pianos, ISA, 2020
- Don’t Forget to Look at the Books, Appraisers Association of America (AAA), 2020
- 7-Hour 2020-2021 USPAP Update Course, NAC, 2019
- Three Centuries of Southern Style, Foundation for Appraisal Education (FAE), 2019
- Advanced Appraisal Methodology, ISA, 2018
- 7-Hour 2018-2019 USPAP Update Course, ISA, 2018
- Appraising Fine Art Course, ISA, 2018
- Appraising Antiquities Today: What You Need to Know, ISA, 2017
- 7-Hour 2016/2017 USPAP Update Course, ISA, 2016
- Chinese Jades: Value and Power Course, ISA, 2016
- Chinese Porcelain Mania – Part I, ISA, 2016
- Chinese Porcelain Mania – Part II: Export Porcelain, ISA, 2016
- Antiques and Residential Contents Course, ISA, 2015
- Asian Ceramics Course, ISA, 2015
- 15-Hour 2014/2015 USPAP Course, ISA, 2014
- Core Course in Appraisal Studies, ISA, 2014
- The Broad Evidence Report, ISA, 2014
Specific Appraisal Experience
- Fine Art: including the following types in Abstract Expressionism, Academic, American Regionalism, American Southwest, American West, Ashcan School, Barbizon, Baroque, Classical, Contemporary, Fantasy, Folk, Genre Scene, Impressionism, Minimalism, Modernism, Naïve, Old Master, Op Pop, Pop, Post Minimalism, Prairie, Realism, Renaissance, Southwest, Street, Surrealism, and Tonalism styles and periods:
- Paintings: acrylic, gouache, house paint, mixed media, oil, spray paint, tempera, and watercolor.
- Drawings: charcoal, color pencil, crayon, pastel, and pen and ink.
- Prints: engraving, etching, giclée, lithographic, mezzotint, offset lithographic, silk screen/serigraph, and woodblock.
- Sculptures: bronze, iron, marble, multimedia, resin, steel, and wood.
- Photography: ambrotypes, cabinet cards, digital, and photogravures.
- Decorative Art/Objects and Antiques: including the following types in Anglo-Indian, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Arts & Crafts, Baroque, Bohemian, Brutalism, Chinoiserie, Chippendale, Classical, Contemporary, Continental, Danish Modern, Eastlake, Federal, French Provincial, Georgian, Gothic, Hepplewhite, Hollywood Regency, Jacobean Revival, Louis XIV, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Louis Philippe, Mannerism, Midcentury Modern, Mission, Modern, Primitivism, Queen Anne, Regency, Renaissance, Renaissance Revival, Rococo Revival, Sheraton, Spanish Colonial, Tansu, Victorian, William and Mary, and Windsor styles and periods:
- Art Glass & Crystal: applied, blown, cased, formed, engraved, etched, molded, mosaic, opalescent, painted, and stained barware, bottles, bowls, chargers, decanters, figurines, inkwells, lamps, vanity sets, and vases.
- Ceramics: bisque ware, earthenware, faience, majolica, porcelain, and stoneware baskets, bowls, boxes, centerpieces, compotes, cups and saucers, figurines, figural groups, jugs, lamps, pitchers, plaques, plates, pots, teapots, urns, and vases.
- Furniture/Furnishings: armoires, beds, benches, billiard tables, blanket boxes, bookshelves, buffets, cabinets, canterburies, carts, chairs, chandeliers, chests, credenzas, cupboards, desks, display cases, dry sinks, fire screens, hall trees, lamps, linen presses, mirrors, safes, secretaries, settees, sewing tables, sideboards, sofas, stools, tables, trunks, and umbrella stands.
- Musical Instruments/Equipment: amplifiers, bugles, guitars, harpsichords, mandolins, organs, pianos, sheet music, and scores.
- Rugs and Textiles: American, Aubusson, Chinese, Indian, Persian, Tibetan, Turkish, Turkmen and Uzbek carriers, clothing, coverlets, pillows, rugs, saddle bags, saddle covers, salt bags, samplers, softens, storage sacks, tapestries, and tent trappings.
- Silver: coin, German, plate and sterling baskets, bowls, candelabras, compotes, dishes, flatware, mustard pots, pitchers, punchbowls, serving dishes, serving utensils, tea sets, trays, and warmers.
- Other: awards, books, cabochons, cars, clocks, coins and currency, commemorative medals, desk accessories, devotional/religious objects, dolls, electronics, firearms, kitchen equipment, magazines, minerals, music boxes, movie posters, record albums, toys, and watches.
- Indigenous Art and Artifacts: including the following items from Africa and South and North American indigenous cultures including Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi), Andean, Apache, Casas Grandes, Cherokee, Cheyenne, Chimu, Chippewa, Cree, Eskimo, Great Lakes, Haidi, Hopi, Inuit, Mata Ortiz, Mayan, Mississippian, Navajo, Nazca, Ojibwa, Olmec, Papago, Paracas, Penobscot, Pima, Plains, Plateau, Pre-Columbian, Pueblo, Salish, Seminole, Sioux, Yupik, and Zuni tribes from prehistoric to contemporary times.
- Basketry: bowls, ollas, storage jars, trays and water jugs.
- Clothing: concho belts, dresses, hair roaches, hair ties, headdresses, leggings, moccasins, sashes, and shirts.
- Jewelry: beaded, cast, hammered and inlaid silver bolos, bracelets, earrings, hair ornaments, necklaces, pendants, and rings.
- Pottery: cooking pots, dough bowls, effigies, food bowls, jars, ladles, ollas, pitchers, plates, seed pots, storytellers, vases, and wedding vessels.
- Weapons: axes, bows and arrows, clubs, knives, quivers, shields, spears, and tomahawks.
- Weavings: blankets, chiefs blankets, rugs, saddle blankets, and sarapes.
- Miscellaneous: bandolier bags, bridles, cradleboards, dolls, drums, fetishes, headstalls, kachinas, masks, medicine bags, parfleche bags, pipes, saddles, sand paintings, and stone tools and figures.
- Asian Art: including the following items made in China, India, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and Tibet during both contemporary and dynastic periods such as Republic, Qing, Ming, Song, Tang and Han:
- Carvings: agate, amethyst, bone, carnelian, ivory, jade, resin, serpentine, stone, and wood belt hooks, bi-disks, bowls, boxes, bracelets, censers, chess sets, chimes, figurines, hairpins, netsukes, okimonos, pendants, plaques, pocket pieces, scholars’ objects, snuff bottles, sword fittings, urns, and vessels.
- Castings: bronze, brass, enamel and cloisonné boxes, Buddhist and Hindu devotional objects, figurines, incense burners, urns and vessels.
- Textiles: painted and embroidered dolls, kimonos, landscapes, silk robes, shawls, screens, and tapestries.
- Ceramic/Porcelain: bowls, figurines, plates, roof tiles, teapots, tea bowls, tomb figures, vases and other vessels.
- Military and American West Artifacts: including the following from the American Indian Wars, Civil War, Korean War, Philippine Insurrection, Vietnam War, War in Afghanistan, WWI, and WWII periods:
- Cavalry and Riding Equipment: bridles, guidons, headstalls, quirts, saddles, and spurs.
- Uniforms and Clothing: belts, boots, caps, chaps, coats, gauntlets, hats, shirts, and trousers.
- Field Equipment and Instruments: binoculars, bottles, bugles, canteens, compasses, cooking utensils, haversacks, spyglasses, surveying equipment, and stoves.
- Weapons: cartridges, cartridge belts, firearms, holsters, knives, powder horns, sabers, slings, and sheaths
- Miscellaneous: badges, books, certificates, commendations, flags, letters, licenses, medals, photographs and shields.

Why I’m an Appraiser
“A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything but the value of nothing.” – Oscar Wilde
People invariably ask me why I became an art and antique appraiser – especially after working so many years in the corporate world in a completely different field. Each time they ask, I give them all the logical reasons that one might expect to hear. A love of beauty. An appreciation for fine workmanship. An interest in history. Growing up a child of collectors.
And they’d all be true. But, still . . . why?
Beyond the insatiable thirst for unearthing the secrets that every object holds about its origin and meaning is a deeper desire to understand what makes us all tick. What inspires an artist to express his or her vision in a certain way, and what drives a person to collect one artist’s expression over another? The juice for me is not so much in researching a thing’s value. It’s in understanding why we value it. Not just monetarily, but culturally, psychologically and spiritually as well. This is what makes the information I gather worth the endless hours I spend gathering it.
Information about a thing brings knowledge about the people associated with it. Knowledge about people builds understanding about cultures. And with the understanding of cultures comes the wisdom to embrace our humanity in all its flavors and colors with connectedness, compassion and awe.
There you have it, from the mundane to the sublime.
I named my company WorthWise to never lose sight of the reason I love my work. To keep me from falling into the trap of cynicism that plagues those who know the price of everything but the value of nothing. And to remind us all that whether we are navigating global politics, personal relationships or the booths of an antique mall – an interest in its workings raises our wisdom of its worth.
Candace Hill